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Roshi Dere Vol 3 - Chapter 1


Chapter 01 — Effects Of Rom-Coms With Other Rom-Coms Crossing Each Other.

Translator's note

[]= Alisa speaks in Russian 

( ) = Masachika's monologue /Alisa/ Others depending on color

“( )” = Speaking in a whisper

================================================== ==

“Yo~ Kuze! Last week's debate was great, you know!”

“Heard you said you beat that Taniyama-san? I didn't think so…. If only I didn't have lessons scheduled, I would definitely go to the movies too.”

On the Monday after the debate. As Masachika enters the classroom, he is greeted by the curious and admiring voices of his classmates.

"Too bad, you know. You really should see it.”

“Seriously, the debate yesterday was a very fierce battle. Honestly, I didn't expect it to be such an interesting debate event."

Apparently, even before Masachika arrived, his classmates were already talking about the topic. Even before he reached class, Masachika could see that the people who came to watch the debate were discussing it with pride. You could say, last week's debate has become a byword among the students. 

"When I first heard Taniyama-san's argument, I honestly thought for a while that he had already won."

"That's true, especially since your side didn't say anything during the question and answer session after that."

“Hey, how far is your strategy really?”

“Well, at least let me put my things first……”

Masachika then headed to her seat, and smiled sourly at her classmates who surrounded her enthusiastically.

(No, if you're so curious, why don't you ask the other participants directly...)

While doing the tsukkomi silently, he glanced at the other party… or rather, the figure of Kujou Alisa who was the representative. He was one of the main stars of the debate, but there was no one around him. This shows how reluctant other people are to talk to him.

(Well, it's not that I don't understand their feelings… But as long as he wants to run for student council president, this matter shouldn't be allowed to continue.)

Let alone having to win the support of the students in the student council election, he can't even communicate well with his classmates.

Therefore, Masachika decided to forcibly involve Alisa in the topic of conversation.

"Good morning, Alya"

"Yes good morning"

As usual, the textbook was spread out in Alisa's hand, who looked up and returned Masachika's greeting. Even though her classmates were talking about them, Alisa actually prepared the textbook without paying any heed to it.

(Perhaps he doesn't know how to react to stories about himself, but… his classmates are also at a loss as to what to talk to him about.)

Laughing inwardly at her partner who is still awkward in relationship problems, Masachika said while pointing at a group of people who were behind her.

“Looks like they wanted to hear about your heroic tale from last week.”


Masachika put down his bag and looked back at his classmates, who looked just as confused as Alisa, then raised his hand and said.

“Then ask Alya for the details. Because gacha… is waiting for me.

 ““ “Ooi! ”” ”

His classmates couldn't help but smile wryly when Masachika took out his smartphone with a serious face. Despite their reactions, Masachika quickly switched to his smartphone and actually started the game app.

"Then, Alya. I'll leave the rest to you."

“Eh, wait a minute——”

Across from Masachika, the confused Alisa and her classmates face each other. While her classmates exchanged glances to see who would speak first, Masachika secretly glanced at Hikaru who was sitting in the seat in front of him. Accurately understanding the intent of his gaze, Hikaru called out to Alisa with a wry smile on his face.

“Kujou-san, did you think of that argument yourself at yesterday's debate? Or was it the result of the discussion with Masachika?”

"Eh? Ah… indeed I thought about it myself. But I also got input from Kuze-kun…”

 "Oh, so that's how it is. Im very surprised. It turns out that Kujou-san can make good speeches.”

“Th-Thank you?

After Hikaru talked to her, the other classmates gradually started talking to Alisa. Once they started talking, their curiosity outweighed their reluctance to talk to each other, and the conversation quickly progressed.

“Is that also your strategy of not asking anything during the Q&A session?

"That's right. We've decided about that beforehand."

“Then, why did Kuze suddenly take over?”

“Regarding that, I didn't expect it either…”

Even though she's not used to it, Alisa is still trying to answer each of their questions, and Masachika nods in satisfaction when she sees the gacha screen she's playing. With Alisa at the center, the class 1-B group looked very lively and lively, but… when a boy said something, the atmosphere suddenly changed.

"But unfortunately. Taniyama-san suddenly ran away in the middle of the debate. Somehow it feels a bit disappointing, doesn't it~?”

He was probably overjoyed at the rare opportunity to speak to Alisa, the prettiest girl in the entire batch, and said that with the intention of putting him in a good mood. Then several other male students chimed in, and openly created a conversation that brought Sayaka down.

"So true. Even though he was the one who challenged himself, but he ran away in the middle of the road, that's not cool at all."

“That's right~ running away in the face of the enemy, really sucks.”

“In the question and answer session, it was completely in Kujou-san's favor. Maybe because he's never lost a debate, could he be a little vulnerable?”

In their imaginations, they expected Alisa's reaction to be like “ Well, she's not as great as the rumors say” … but actually, Alisa's reaction when she heard that was….

“... ”

He secretly pursed his lips and raised his eyebrows. The classmates around him looked confused by his unexpected reaction and his disgruntled face. In the unexpected silence and slightly awkward atmosphere, Alisa stood up from her seat.

"Kuze-kun, come with me for a moment"

"Hmm? Oh”

When his name was suddenly called, Masachika stood up from his seat, then put his cell phone in his pocket, and pretended to have just realized something.

“Ah, oh yeah~ there's something about the student council, huh. Sorry, you can ask more later."

After giving reasons to his classmates, he then chased Alisa out of the classroom. Masachika followed Alisa in silence as she walked briskly, and finally called out to her when she entered the student council room.

"Then what happen?"

When Masachika asked, Alisa raised her eyebrows silently. However, he somehow knows the cause of Alisa's annoyance.

"Do you not like seeing Taniyama that bad?"

“...After all, Taniyama-san has a reason———”  

“He challenged us to argue and run away in the middle of the debate. What our classmates said is not wrong.”

"But that ...!"

Alisa screamed subconsciously, but she was unable to utter a word, and only pursed her lips in frustration.

"Haa ..."


Masachika accurately guessed what Alisa wanted to say. He then sighed. This situation is too awkward.

“…It's true that we know the reason behind Taniyama's actions. We also know why he left the auditorium in the middle of the debate. That's why, I can understand why you feel irritated when you hear that there are many who mock him by saying [Though he himself dared to argue, but he himself ran away] .


"But what is clear is that we have fought fairly and openly. So, no matter what other people say about Taniyama, we don't have to worry about him. Right?"

"I understand that. But the truth is, we still haven't won. Yesterday's debate… was like an invalid debate, right?”

Still, he was still dissatisfied. Alisa knows that the root cause of Sayaka's behavior is because she is paired with Masachika. He didn't want to admit it. The victory he achieved was obtained in an ambiguous manner. Because he has a high and noble self-esteem.

“Then, what do you want to do? For example ... yes, just think of this as a parable. If we somehow announce that yesterday's debate event was an invalid match and restore Taniyama's honor… Then, the victory we achieved would also be for naught, right? Raising the rank of the loser means lowering the rank of the winner."


“Moreover, we don't know if Taniyama himself wants such a thing. You could say that the mercy and helping hand of the winner is the last act of trampling on the dignity of the loser. After all, the one who declared defeat was Miyamae, partner of Taniyama."

"...I know why."

As Masachika calmly explained, Alisa still maintained her dissatisfied expression. He might understand, but he still doesn't accept it.

If you think about it rationally, the right thing for Masachika and Alisa to do is "pretend not to know" about this problem. They should sincerely accept Nonoa's declaration of defeat and act as winners with unconcerned faces. That's what Masachika thought and Alisa knew very well that it might be the right thing to do.

However, Masachika didn't scold Alisa by saying " you are stubborn" or " if you don't like it, just do as you please", but he just silently watched Alisa who seemed to be in a dilemma .

(Oh, it's so beautiful... it's too dazzling)

If he only aims to win the election, he could have given various reasons to convince Alisa. But for Masachika... there was something more important than that. He wanted to protect Alisa's radiance. He wants to make Alisa the student council president in a way he can accept. Therefore ….

“Well, even then if you think about it rationally… but I don't care about that.”


“What matters is what you want to do. Come on, don't be buried with a sullen face like that, you can bring out all your things"

He just wanted to convince himself of this matter. So when Masachika said that to her in a teasing tone, Alisa looked annoyed.

“What do I want to do… That's it, I want to help Taniyama-san. But that---"

"Hmm, fine. Let's do that."


Alisa looked surprised as Masachika casually shrugged her shoulders and accepted it without hesitation.

“...Is that okay? Like you said, Taniyama-san probably doesn't want it… it's just for my own satisfaction, you know? Besides, your efforts in the debate will also be in vain…”

 "I do not mind. Rather than dragging on with this matter, it's better to resolve it quickly and have a pleasant closing ceremony."

Alisa apologized with a guilty face when Masachika said that without hesitation.

“…I'm really sorry. For saying something troublesome.”

"Do not worry about it…. I told you, didn't I? If I will 'support you' .”

Alisa recalled Masachika's words. The promise that Masachika made that day, " I will support you by your side" he said.

“Kuze-kun ...”

In front of Masachika who was scratching his head and looking away because he was blushing, something appeared from deep inside Alisa's heart. As if to confirm it, Alisa cupped her hands tightly against her chest.

The uncontrollable emotion implied in his eyes was shown to Masachika. However, Masachika who was receiving such intense and passionate gazes….. was thinking that now wasn't the time for that.

Because He realized it. As he turned his head towards the student council room window in order to hide his embarrassment, there was something…. reflected behind the chairman's desk. There were two figures lurking there.

(someone peeked)

The ones peeking were the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman. They are the two most famous lovebirds in school. The big Touya and the tall Chisaki, huddled under each other under the table. Of course, the closeness between them had already reached the MAX level.

(Not that their situation is very much like a romantic comedy...)

Masachika put his own situation aside and swallowed his saliva with a shiver.

(Is this… about that? The situation where they were alone together, then heard the sound of people coming and rushing to hide, but just realized "Eh? Shouldn't we be hiding everything?", that kind of situation huh? Rather than hiding in a locker, but instead they hide under the table, they are true like-couples...!)

At this moment, Masachika guessed that they must be exchanging conversations like, “Hey, don't touch in weird places!” "Ouch! What can you do, right? After all, the place is narrow!”.

If everything continues in order, then their breaths are close together, their bodies start to sweat, and their hearts will beat fast, nothing can stop them and they will go as far as they can.

(So ​​I see, the main event is over there huh? Hmm, then as a good kouhai, I should come out with a nonchalant face when the time is right, and subtly get rid of people. You could say this is the behavior of a trained stage actor)

After drawing such a conclusion with an otaku way of thinking at full capacity, Masachika then turned to Alisa.... but he was surprised when he saw Alisa, who wore an expression like a giprl in love.

(Hmm!? Eh, what the hell is this!? Isn't this a romantic comedy event too!? Guh, damn it. I came to the wrong conclusion!! This isn't just a melee event between two hiding humans, both physically and mental but also includes Events that make you feel excited because of the romantic comedy vibes !! Apart from being a trigger to bring them closer, we also make them more passionate!!)

As Masachika's train of thought drifted towards 2D, Alisa closed the distance between them. He looked at Masachika with a passionate gaze. He even cupped his hands in front of his chest.

(Ah, this is really free. What's free? Everything. Anyway, it's free. If it's like this, will I have to change this atmosphere by force ——— !?)

Driven by an overwhelming sense of crisis, Masachika decides to make a forbidden genre change. That's right, from the romantic comedy genre ...... changed to serious.

"So, how long are you going to keep hiding? Chief, Sarashina-senpai”

When Masachika said the line that always tops the list If you're an otaku, I want to try saying this line , Alisa made an “Eh?” expression, and at the same time, there was a thud from under the chairman's desk.

(Ah, they hit their heads)

As if it was none of his business, Masachika looked at Touya who was standing with an awkward expression. Not long after, Chisaki also stood up, her eyes darting here and there.

“Oh,…..sorry, I missed the time to show up”

"Right, right, we were looking for something that fell on the floor, but we couldn't show up because it looks like you guys are talking about something serious..."

Chisaki tried to come up with an excuse, but Masachika didn't reply with a tsukkomi . He didn't think this was the time.

"Hmm... well then, how about we both pretend we didn't hear or see what just happened?"

"Oh, yeah. All right, agree. Let's do that."

"Then let's go, Alya."

After quickly agreeing to the two people's relatively calm interests, Masachika left the student council room with Alisa. After closing the door and heaving a sigh of relief….. suddenly, his eyes met Alisa's. Instantly, Alisa stepped back while putting on a blushing face.

"Ah, uhm, I ..."

His uneasiness became clearer as he spoke quietly. Alisa, who couldn't take it anymore, started to turn her body and shouted.

"I! I have something to do…!”

Then, unlike usual, Alisa rushed off with a run. As for Masachika who was left behind… He looked up at the ceiling of the passage while tilting his head and muttering “Hmm~”.

“I wonder, should I put my ear to the door and eavesdrop on what's going on inside… If this were a scene in the manga, the door would open with a loud bang and scream, W -Since when were you there!? , But I feel that Sarashina-senpai will find out….”

Masachika muttered to himself, and was in serious thought as he looked at the student council room door over his shoulder. He is indeed a true reflection of an otaku.... Well, you could say it's just an escape from reality.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

"Uwaahhh, let's see. Fimmel's new work is really cute you know~”

“Ah, that's really good~ I want too~. But this month, I'm spending a lot more."

 "Fimmel? Ah, that's what I might be able to get through my acquaintances, you know? But that is if you can advertise it on SNS.”

“Eh~ seriously? Really great!"

“Oi oi, you have about 6,000 followers , right? Can't you just do that?"

"Wicked! I don't want to be told by people who don't have a thousand followers ~”

Lunch break. In the end, since the incident in the morning, Alisa refused to talk to her, and gave off a “ Don't talk to me, don't look at me” aura, so Masachika went to visit Class 1-D alone to resolve the situation. But …. Masachika was confused when he saw the person he wanted to meet.

Based on the first letters of her surname, she thought that the person she would meet would be sitting on a chair near the aisle, so Masachika thought that she could briefly call out to him from the hallway window… but apparently, the plan was still a bit naive.

(Damn it! What a powerful riajuu aura…..! It's useless. More than this…..I can't get close…..!!)

The person Masachika wanted to meet was Miyamae Nonoa, the opponent of the debate battle from a few days ago. He is the center of the people who surround him. Besides Nonoa, there were four other students, two boys and two girls, who could see at a glance that they were in the highest caste in the school.

Apart from having beautiful and handsome faces from the start, they also dress in a style that almost violates school rules. And they don't seem to feel guilty about dressing like that, as if to say , "How can I look stylish if I'm afraid of the counseling teacher!" . This external factor gave off a shimmering aura that prevented middle and low caste people from approaching them. Meanwhile, on the other hand, Nonoa who is the center of the group is...

“Nee~ nee~, Nonoa. What do you think of this?”


Plays a smartphone in his chair with his eyes half closed, without joining in the conversations of those around him.

"This is Fimmel's new work. Doesn't this look good~?”

“Ah~ is that it? Hmm~ I used one of the products from the same series on the shoot the other day, but I feel like it's not that great.”

"Eh~ time? In that case, it won't be ah~”

"Oi oi, isn't this going to happen?"

"Yes. After all, Nonoa, who had seen the real thing, just said that, right~”

“That's right~, oh yes Noa. Would you like to come to my house party this Sunday? One of my relatives is a fan you know.”

"Eh~? Before this test?”

Cronies... Yes, cronies. Both men and women crowded around her, and tried to talk to her in an attempt to get Nonoa's attention. While Nonoa himself was only fiddling with his smartphone while he was dealing with them. She looked like a queen and cronies trying to please her mood.

"Then, while studying too. Please!”


"Hmmp~ Hasn't Nonoa been getting colder lately?"p

When one of his cronies pouted, Nonoa who had been playing with his smartphone nonchalantly, suddenly put it away, then stood up from his chair, then smiled and hugged the girl.

“That's a lie, I was just joking~. Party? Of course I will come~”

“Seriously? It's fun!”

"He's serious. ...”

Nonoa then let go of his embrace, and then turned to Masachika while leaning out the window at the side of the hall.

“Kuzecchi, do you need anything?”

"II-Yes. Well there's something I want to talk about."

"Hee I see~, we can't talk here?"

"Well that's how it is. If possible ..."


Nonoa nodded without asking Masachika's reason, and informed the people around him.

"In that case, I'd like to go first."

"Ah ya"

"We can talk about it later, okay?"



His cronies looked at Masachika with various emotions, and then dispersed as if to say, “If Nonoa isn't here, I don't care anymore.”

(They really are his cronies...)

As Masachika watched the scene with both worry and admiration, Nonoa who came out of class called out to him while ruffling his hair.

"So, where are we going? Do you want to go to an empty classroom?”

“Yeah, that's right… wait, your hairstyle today is even more amazing.”

Masachika's cheeks twitched as he took a closer look at Nonoa's hairstyle.

Nonoa always styled her own blonde hair the way she wanted, but today she braided her hair in various styles and ribbons in various places, which made her look stunning. Even so, the fact that the hairstyle didn't look like a flop was impressive enough.

“Oh~ you mean this? When I handed it over to Shunacchi and Miyapi, for some reason~ it turned out like this. Oh yes. While wearing this style, you can also upload photos to SNS ah~”

After saying that, he immediately took out his smartphone, held it up high, and took a selfie as if he was used to it. Masachika was even slightly impressed by the technique of creating poses and expressions that would look good in an instant, as well as his audacity to use his smartphone in the hallway, which was prohibited by school rules.

“Hmm, the result is good”

"Is that so...then, this way"


Once they reached the empty classroom, Nonoa leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, his eyes half closed, and he looked as unmotivated as ever.

"So, what's the matter? If it's a love confession that's fine... but that's not it, right?”

"Yeah... well, is it okay if you confess?"

When Masachika couldn't help but ask back at the statement that she couldn't ignore, Nonoa tilted her head while fiddling with her hair with her fingers.

"Hmm~ now I'm single, how come~? Well after all, I don't hate Kuzecchi either”

"No, no, not with people you don't hate, but people you like."

"If that's what you mean, I've never once dated someone I liked"

“Looks like I just heard something shocking oi.”

"What can you do, right? After all, I don't really understand the feeling of love."

Masachika lowered his eyebrows with mixed feelings towards Nonoa who shrugged his shoulders casually while saying that.

“…I don't mean to criticize your love life, but it's better if you respect yourself more, you know?”

Hearing Masachika's words, Nonoa who had been acting nonchalantly, started to open his eyes and smiled somewhat happily.

“Aha, Sayacchi also said the same thing. Well but, he even slapped my face.”

“…..Seriously? It turns out that Taniyama once slapped his best friend, huh?”

"Ah..well, that's it~ yeah"

Masachika just sighed without expecting an answer from Nonoa, who turned his smile into a wry smile and averted his eyes.

“What exactly have you done……”

“Hmm~? Well, with my boyfriend at the time? I was caught kissing passionately in the classroom, something like that? Even if it's blasphemy, maybe I can get to stage B [1] ? Something like that” 

“You—, geez…”

“Ahha… do you believe that?”

Masachika rolled her eyes as she heard an unexpected answer that had a double meaning. Masachika swallowed and then said in a trembling voice to Nonoa who raised one eyebrow, and smiled ignorantly.

“Isn't that clearly a meeting scene in a Yuri genre manga [2] ...!!” 

“... Kuzecchi's nature is like that, I quite like it, you know~”

“That's a scene from two pages from the first chapter. The bitchy chairman looks down on the girl making out to a guy in class, but for some reason, he can't take his eyes off of it..."

“Oi~, come to your senses~”

"Ah, yes ... Uhumm"

As Masachika coughed, Nonoa sighed and said while toying with her hair.

“Well, the love confession matter was just a joke…. I've been holding back from messing with guys since Sayacchi told me.”

“So you said you were playing with guys…'re still in 1st year of high school, right?”

"That's it, that's it, that's it…. so? What's the matter?"

Masachika changed his expression as Nonoa looked at him in a carefree and relaxed manner.

“Hmm… well, there's something. It's about Taniyama…”

“Ah, for some reason Sayacchi isn't in today. That girl, when you're not in the mood, it's always like this….. So?”

“……In last week's debate, there were a lot of rumors going around that Taniyama challenged us to a debate, but he ran away himself, right? I wanted to talk about whether we could suppress the gossip a bit.”

“...Hmm~? ….Is Kuzecchi the type to care about that?”

As Nonoa tilted his head, Masachika answered while shrugging his shoulders.

“My partner who cares about it…”

“Ahh, I see~”

After nodding understandingly, Nonoa looked up at the ceiling with mixed feelings of disbelief and admiration.

“That… what a very kind trait.”

"Rather than being nice... he's always serious, in many ways."

"Even so, it's undeniable that he has a good nature."

After saying that and chuckling, Nonoa put on a slightly gloomy smile.

"Then? Why are you bringing this story to me? At least, I'm your enemy, you know."

“Enemies, huh…”

“Kuzecchi must have realized this, right? I've infiltrated provocateurs and incited the audience."

"Of course I know. Konda from class 1-A, Nagano from class 1-B, Satou and Kunieda from class 1-D, and Kinjou from class 1-F, right?”

Masachika's words made Nonoa widen her eyes and the tip of her mouth twitch.

“…Seriously~? In that dark auditorium, you can see all the provocateurs in the audience from the stage?”

“I can only be sure about 70%. But after seeing your reaction earlier, I was completely convinced.”

"Ahhh~ a psychological trick huh.... This really is a crushing blow.... So you've prepared the next plan just in case you lose huh."

Masachika just shrugged his shoulders as Nonoa smirked and looked up at him. However, despite Masachika's choice to remain silent, Nonoa still made up his mind.

“Well, it seems that teachers are now becoming more sensitive because of the threats and bribery cases that occurred in the election campaign a few years ago. If the rumor that I used dirty methods to win yesterday's debate gets out, the teachers can't ignore it because the debate agenda is related to student council management... The bigger the problem, the worse our reputation will be and vice versa, the more your reputation will improve. What's more, the school will not implement the agenda proposed by the fraudster. Really~ you thought of something amazing~”

“...Just because you lose the debate doesn't mean you can't participate in the nomination for the Student Council Chair. As much as possible I don't want to use that method because it will damage your reputation."

“But you will use it when the time comes, right~? Uwaah, so scary, so scary. Luckily I didn't win."

Masachika stared coldly at Nonoa, who kept saying that he was scared but didn't seem afraid at all.

“From my point of view, you are the scarier one. Dare to tell your friends to do dirty things… when you can lose all your friends.”

"Hmm~? Well, I don't reject anyone who wants to be friends with me and I don't chase anyone who wants to stay away. To be honest, I'm not really interested in any other friend besides Sayacchi. I don't mind if they stay away? Something like that?”

In a very even tone, Nonoa said something unexpected from a popular girl who was at the top of the school's caste. However, Masachika didn't seem too surprised and continued asking.

"There's one thing I'm curious about"


“You said earlier that you are not interested in friends other than Taniyama… in other words, you are only interested in Taniyama, right? How come? That type of person should be the most difficult for you to understand, right?”

"Oh, it's the exact opposite. Because you don't understand them, you find them attractive and want to be with them.”

"Is that so?"

Nonoa suddenly approached Masachika, who was tilting his head in confusion, and said with a suspicious smile.

“Kuzecchi must understand that too, right~? You know what it's like to admire someone who has a glow you don't have."

Only at this moment did he not smile. Masachika was speechless as he looked into Nonoa's eyes which seemed to be able to see through everything. When she saw Masachika's reaction, Nonoa clicked her tongue and distanced herself, then raised her voice "Alright!".

“Now that I've seen Kuzecchi's interesting reaction… Let's start the evil scheme of being a fellow hypocrite who admires such an honest and charming partner?

“Though the idea isn't that bad you know……”

After smiling slightly bitterly, Masachika said with a serious face.

"In short, I want to spread the rumors about Taniyama's escape during the debate with a sound reason."

“…So you want to make it look as if he didn't run away? Are you sure? If so, Kuzecchi's victory would be ambiguous you know?”

When Nonoa asked while raising one eyebrow, Masachika shrugged and nodded his head.

"I know. Well, I don't care what excuses are used ... for example, get a sudden call when his parents faint? …By the way, what did you guys do after that? If you're in a coffee shop, you can't use excuses like I said earlier.”

“Oh~ after that? I waited until Sayacchi stopped crying, then ...... waited a while, and quietly slipped away? But, well, that's not to say there weren't any witnesses to see, and the reason he suddenly left because he had urgent business might be a bit too pushy~”

“So that's how it is….”

Then what should we do? As Masachika crossed his arms and pondered, Nonoa suddenly said in a somewhat irritated tone.

“Hmm~~ well, let me do something about it.”

"Eh, is that okay with you?"

“This is my partner's problem after all, isn't it~? It's only natural that I should be the one to finish it. Spreading rumors has become my forte.”

After saying that, he turned around as if to signal that it was the end of their conversation.

"That's how it's going to be. Then, see you later~”


Then he immediately left the empty classroom. The unexpected turn of events made Masachika feel a little confused and scratched his head.

(Oh~ this, it's kind of like that. In the manga, the main character calls out a shinobi by saying , are you there? then replies Haa , I'm here and orders Go after him. Be careful not until found out )

Masachika's otaku way of thinking raced as he thought about the current situation where he was discussing with the opposing party in an empty classroom, and the fact that there were people in the student council room this morning when he thought the room was empty. While laughing at himself, Masachika tried to call out the name of his childhood friend whose behavior was not much different from that of a shinobi.


He immediately felt embarrassed and muttered, “What the hell am I doing?”, while trying to quickly leave the classroom…..

“Ya, Masachika-sama”

“UooEi !?"

… Masachika jumped in surprise when he heard a voice coming from behind his back.

He turned and widened his eyes when he saw that Ayano was really there.

“Why are you here?!”

"? Because Masachika-sama seems to be calling me.”

Ayano said it as if it was natural while tilting her head. After hearing her words, Masachika's confusion peaked.

(Because I summoned it?! Eh, what? Something similar to a summoning technique? If summoned, you will transfer to my place? Or is this a kunoichi's bunshin technique? Have you finally mastered the bunshin technique?!)

Masachika was so confused that his otaku way of thinking became overloaded. Then, a new voice sounded from behind him.

“Oi Oi, have you forgotten about me? Brothers ”

When he turned around, he saw Yuki leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and a stiff smile graced his face.

“Seriously, how come you two are here!!”

“Fufu~, let me explain. I already confirmed that you tried to make contact with your enemy, Nonoa… realizing that, I went ahead of you and hid under the table.”

Yuki approached with one eye wide open and smiled fearlessly like a criminal. In response, Masachika thought to himself “ Under the table again?” and ask.

"Then, what exactly happened?"

“While we were playing secret talk in an empty classroom, we didn't expect that there would actually be a secret talk about to start.”

“Seriously, what the hell are you guys doing?”

The classroom door opened with a creaking sound as Masachika became increasingly fed up with the mysterious power word "playing secret talk".

"Kuze-kun? Are you in there?”

Maybe because he could hear voices from inside. When Alisa tried to peek into the classroom...the expression on her face was stunned when she saw the three of them.


"Alya-san? Looks like you might have misunderstood something?”

"What? I don't think it's strange if three childhood friends play together.”

"But why does your face look so grim?"

"It's just your imagination. Then, please have fun.”

He then closed the classroom door. However, just before the door closed, Alisa muttered to herself with a slightly sullen expression.

Fuck , why don't you invite me too

And his expression was immediately hidden behind the door.


Masachika, who was standing there, felt that he had made a mistake, even though he had not done anything wrong. Yuki then spoke to him in a tone similar to that of a market thug.

“Aniki… This is it, about that. I made lunch for Kuze-kun because he has helped me a lot during the debate, but where is he ? and he was looking around the school.”

 "Don't just make up your own story! You can see for yourself anyways, Alya didn't bring her lunch box, right!”

 "That's it, maybe he put it in the yard or some other place, along with a vinyl mat like someone on a picnic."

“Stop itaaaaaaannnnn!”

Yuki put her hand on Masachika's shoulder who was screaming and gave a thumbs up while smiling annoyingly.

"How? You must feel guilty, don't you?"

"Yes, thanks to you!"

Ayano watched from a distance as the two siblings began to communicate like a comedian duo.

His face was as expressionless as ever, but the look in his eyes seemed to see something precious. Even so, her self-devoted self to be air, felt her steely determination to never do anything to interfere with the two of them… unintentionally, Ayano felt like a fan watching over her favorite couple.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

Nonoa realizes that he is the type of person who is commonly referred to as a "psychopath" .

As a child, she had never experienced emotional ups and downs, and never felt a sadness that nearly made her cry, a rage that swelled, or a joy that made her dance. Although he felt uncomfortable, but it was something he could control before revealing it.

To such a Nonoa, his childhood friend Sayaka had always been someone he could never understand. A rare animal that is usually obedient, but also sometimes throws a sudden tantrum. An existence he couldn't comprehend at all, but he had no problem with that.

Nonoa doesn't really understand human emotions. He couldn't even empathize. That is why he is able to calmly analyze his own actions and the reactions of others objectively, then play the role of the person they want him to be. What words to say, what facial expressions to make, and what actions to use to control this rare beast's fury. Once she was able to understand it, Nonoa could control Sayaka with ease. His parents also wanted him to be good friends with Sayaka. Let's just be friends naturally… or, so he thought. Until the events of that day….

[Don't be such a cheap girl! You have to take good care of yourself!!]

It was the first time someone had really gotten angry and slapped him.

For Nonoa who had always acted like a good boy since childhood, his sharp gaze and sharp words, as well as the stinging sensation of heat on his cheeks were new to him. She felt that her heart, which never felt anything no matter what kind of guy she touched, was beating really fast.

"The meeting scene in Yuri's manga, huh~ ... Maybe it's not that much different?"

While walking back to her class, Nonoa was talking to himself as he recalled his conversation with Masachika. His face slightly smiled as he thought about how to restore Sayaka's honor… But in truth, he had already come up with a solution while discussing it with Masachika. After finding the solution, Masachika might be able to predict his actions if he told the solution, so Nonoa immediately cut off the conversation and left Masachika.

(Even so… I'm sure that I only prepared 4 provocateurs, really?)

Nonoa tilted his head slightly as he recalled the names of the five people Masachika had mentioned.

(Kinjou from class 1-F? If he's not my order, then he's purely anti-Kujo-san huh~?)

Hmmm~~ he tilted his head and made up his mind when he saw the classroom was approaching.

(Well, this time we've troubled Kujou-san and Kuzecchi, as a form of apology, maybe I'll deal with Kinjou-kun or the others later~)

Having decided so, Nonoa opened the classroom door and returned to his seat.

“Aah~ Nonoa is finally back”

“I've been waiting for you for a long time~. What were you talking about with Kuze from class 1-B?”

“Ah~ it's about Sayacchi. Since Sayacchi didn't come in today, she got curious and asked me."

As soon as Nonoa answered the question of his friends who immediately approached, they looked at him strangely.

"Taniyama? He didn't come in today?"

“Is it because he lost the debate~? So he still hasn't recovered from that?"

“Eh~ no, no. I'm the cause myself. I was the one who caused Sayacchi to leave the debate halfway.”

"E-Eh? What the hell is that?”

"Correct? How come I've never heard of it!"

Seeing the gazes of her companions sparkling with curiosity, Nonoa…

“Oh~ actually during the debate the other day, it seems like Sayacchi found out that I infiltrated a provocateur in the audience? Something like that? And then Sayacchi said, I don't want to win in such a sneaky way! So he's really pissed off? He felt angry and didn't want to continue the debate…”

…Saying that with an attitude that doesn't seem like a big deal.

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[1] In Japan in the 1980s, the terms A, B, C, D were often used as a subtle metaphor to describe the level of sexual intimacy achieved by a couple.

The description of each letter representation is as follows:

A: Any form of word of mouth kissing, especially "French kisses"

B: Feeling or groping the breasts or genitals, either through wearing.

C: Oral stimulation or “fingerring” of the genitals.

D: Intimate relationships

Source :;D;

[2] Don't know which Manga Yuri is referring to


  1. Why did they remove this from novelupdates
    1. I don't know, if this novel is not deleted I will continue this project, but fate says otherwise :)
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