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Roshi Dere Vol 3 - Prolog


Prologue — Suou Family

There are luxury homes located in “elite residential areas” where other large houses are lined up next to each other.

This Western-style house with a neatly arranged garden gives a historic feel. Compared to the other houses in the vicinity, this majestic building that stood out was the residence of the Suou family, a prominent family with a history of hundreds of years.

In one of the rooms of the building, three family members who live in the house are eating dinner. Long table in a spacious room with an elegant and calm atmosphere. The person sitting on the very end of the chair with his back to the fireplace was the current head of the Suou family, Suou Gensei.

Even though He is already 69 years old, but his body is so sturdy, it doesn't look weak with age, and combined with his straight back, He exudes a dignified aura. The wrinkles on his face gave off a dignified look, and didn't show any weakness. He is like a big tree that has endured various trials of strong winds and rain.

And the people sitting side by side opposite Gensei were his daughter, Suou Yumi, and his granddaughter, Suou Yuki. They were both a mother and daughter pair who were very similar, except there was a huge difference in their height and style. If Yuki continues to grow up, he will look just like his mother. The only difference is the eye area. As for the nose, face, and contours, they both look exactly the same

Unlike Yuki, her mother, Yumi, has droopy eyes and a mole under her right eye. The look in his eyes and slightly gloomy expression gave him an air of shyness in contrast to his father, Suou Gensei.

“…A few days ago, there seemed to be a Student General Meeting, huh.”

When they had tasted some of the dishes to some extent, Gensei started the conversation.

“I heard that the participants are Masachika and the daughter of Taniyama Heavy Industries .”

"Right. To be more precise, Onii-sama became Kujou-san's assistant.”

Yuki tried to correct him just in case, thinking that the information should have been told to his grandfather from Ayano who was standing behind him. But as expected, his grandfather wasn't interested in such trivial information and just snorted.

“In middle school, I thought what kind of person he was since he was the only one who fought you to the end… but I heard that he ran away in the middle of an argument.”

"Yes, it is true. There must be some circumstances that make it so.”

"Hmmm! Whatever the reason, the result actually makes Masachika the favorite candidate as the student council president candidate for next year.”

He gulped down his drink in annoyance and set the empty glass on the table. Ayano's grandmother who was standing behind her immediately poured wine into an empty glass. While waiting, Gensei turned his gaze towards Yuki.

"Keep this in mind. Nomatter who your opponent is, you cannot lose. You must become the student council president of Seirei Gakuen.”

"I understand it very well. Ojii-sama."

“In terms of talent, you are indeed no match for Masachika. But you know the responsibilities of a talented person. Regarding that matter, Masachika couldn't understand it. Even though he had the best talent and was blessed with a special environment, he left him.”

As Gensei said this bitterly, Yumi gently lowered her gaze.

"Remember well. This world is not equal. Wealth, family environment, appearance, and talent. There is a clear division between those who are born with the factor and those who do not. Yuki, you were born the owner of all those aspects. Therefore, you must contribute to the world with what you have. That is the responsibility of the blessed person.”

That was the teaching that had been instilled in Yuki and her brother since childhood. That was the absolute value of Suou Gensei.

“You know very well that it is a sin for those who are talented to let it rot without making use of it. Those who have talent have a responsibility to use it for the good of the world. You can't lose to a man who abandons that responsibility. You understand right, Yuki.”

Yuki's heart churned at the harsh words directed at her beloved brother. However, Yuki still wore a gentle smile on her face without revealing her inner feelings.

"I understand, Ojii-sama"

Yes, he could only nod slowly at his grandfather's words.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇


“?? Okaa-sama?”

When she finished eating and was about to return to her room, her mother suddenly called out, and Yuki turned around in surprise.

“Is there anything Okaa-sama wanted to talk to me about?”


When Yuki asked what he wanted, his mother just looked down and was silent for a while. However, after waiting patiently, his mother suddenly raised her head.

"I want to know …. are you on good terms with Masachika-san…?”

"Yes, of course"


Yumi nodded slowly while taking her eyes off her daughter who answered with a bright smile.

"Umm, what's really going on with Onii-sama?"

"No, it's nothing.... After this, you have Chinese lessons, right?"p

"Yes, via online."

“I see... do your best”


Yuki bowed beautifully and went to her room with Ayano. Yumi continued to stare at her daughter's back in silence.


After arriving in his own room, he closed the door to his room and let out a small sigh. Yuki then turned to the front and called out to Ayano who was standing behind her.

“... Ayano”

"Yes, Yuki-sama"

“Please be a bolster for a moment”


Ayano nodded familiarly at the instructions that strangers might not believe if they heard them, and said, “Excuse me,” while lying down on the bed. Yuki then quietly bent down, hugged Ayano from the front and buried her face in Ayano's chest.

In such a position, Yuki rubbed her head left and right while embracing Ayano. During that time, Ayano just stood still as she was told. He neither hugged Yuki's body back nor stroked her head. This action will hurt Yuki's self-esteem as his master. Because she knew that, Ayano kept quiet and allowed herself to be hugged. A few minutes later, Yuki lifted her face excitedly, knelt on the bed, and exhaled.

"Yosh, I've recovered!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes thanks. Seriously, oppai is the greatest gift ever.”

Yuki headed for her computer desk as she got off the bed, while saying something like that.

"Let me do your hair."

"Hmm, please~"

Ayano used a comb to straighten Yuki's hair which was messy from rolling on the bed. The touch of his hand was always gentle, and the look in his eyes was filled with endless affection.

"Just tidy it up, okay? After all, what was shown was only up to my shoulder. Instead, please make me a drink.”

“Understood. Would you like some coffee?”

“Yeah, I have Brother and the anime is tonight. Moreover, Brother had definitely watched the masterpiece show. Hehehe~ I won't let you sleep tonight~, Onii-chan~"

Yuki smiled happily at the thought of the anime that aired in the late hours of the night and the sessions giving their impressions after that. Ayano left the room silently, while inwardly relieved that her master had completely returned to normal.

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