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I was reborn in another world - Chapter 1


Chapter 1

It's a life that doesn't mean anything.

After graduating from the so-called F Run University, he got a job at a black SME.

I go to work seven times a week for 150,000 yen.

Overtime is an average of 200 hours a month.

I spend every day working like a carriage horse.

"I want to die ..."

Sunday morning.

Yuji Sato, who had been working at the office without sleeping until just before, was wandering along the way to his home

"It's been a long time off ... how many consecutive days are you working now ...?"

I'm not sure when I last got the day off.

I have been sent to work for more than 20 days in a row.

"This ... obviously violates the law ... if you sue ... can you win?"

Think about that in a vague consciousness.

My working hours were clearly beyond the legal limits.

If you take this fact out with proof ... maybe you'll get a lot of money from the company.

... I won't do it because it will be a nuisance to synchronize.

"Hmm ... what am I living for ..."

Sometimes I don't understand what it means to be alive.

Every day I think it's better to die.

I want to go back to when I was a student.

At that time, I enjoyed every day.

I never imagined that living as a member of society would be such a pain.

"When I get home ... I'll try to find a way to die easily ... haha ​​..."

It was at that time that I leaked a half-serious murmur and leaked a dry laugh.


Something was rolling at my feet.


It was a soccer ball.

It seems that he rolled from somewhere and hit my leg.

I look around for the owner.

"My ball !!"

A little further away, I heard a child's voice from the place.

"Is that child ..."

On the other side of the road, there was a boy who seemed to be the owner of the ball.

It looks like an elementary school student.

Chasing the ball, it runs here.

"Good shot ..."

I'm going to pick up the ball with the intention of handing it over when the boy arrives.


… And the next moment I notice.

"Well, wait ...! Don't come here because it's dangerous ...!"


I screamed in a hurry, but it was late.

The boy was already running to the middle of the road.

And at the wrong time, a large truck approaches the boy at a considerable speed.

"Stupid guy ...!"

I noticed that I was running.

This is the stupid power of the fire place.

I was surprised at the speed.

I push the boy standing in the middle of the road.

Immediately after the sudden braking sound echoed around ...

Van! !! !!

"Gut !?"

A big impact hit the whole body.

My body floats inside and I'm blown away.

"Go !?"

And I was slammed on the ground with all my might.

"Chaaaaaaaaaa !!!"

"A person was run over ...!"

"Someone ambulance ...!"

As I heard such voices from around me, my consciousness gradually became farther away.

"where is here…?"

I found myself in a white world

It's a pure white, empty, inorganic world.

"Um sure ..."

I remember the last memory.

That's it.

I was run over by a truck on my way home from work in place of a boy.

I was hit by a truck of that size at that speed.

Well, the odds of being alive are lower.

… So is this heaven?

"Well, I'm generally hit by that recognition."


Suddenly I heard a voice from behind.

I am surprised and look back.

"Hello. Yuji Sato. Suddenly, you died."

There stood a beautiful girl who I had never seen before.

She wears something like a hagoromo and has wings growing from her back.


The two letters were perfect for the girl in front of me.


"I am a messenger of God. There is no name."

"... Is it like a messenger of God ... an angel?"

"Yes. That recognition is fine. It doesn't make much difference."

I didn't feel like doubting the girl because she was said to be a messenger of God.

It was because the girl had something like a divine aura.

"Am I dead?"

I ask the angel girl.

The girl nodded.

"Yes, unfortunately."

"…I see"

The girl feels sorry, but I didn't feel too sorry.

Maybe it's because he was abused in a harsh working environment and spent days like hell.

I didn't feel like I wanted to live longer.

Rather, if I helped people and died at the end, I was happy with that.

"What will happen to me?"

Does dead mean going to a heavenly place?

Or is it reincarnation?

Or ... they are all human-created concepts that go to nothing?

"Please rest assured. It won't go away."


Apparently the thoughts are being read.

Is it possible because it's an angel?

"Yuji Sato. Please listen carefully. I have a very important story for you."

"what do you want"

"You currently have two options."

"Choice ...?"


The angel nodded.

"One is reincarnation in the same world. Reincarnation. In this case, the memory is completely lost from the soul. It is usually the path of a dead human being."


I hit the aizuchi.

"The other ... this is a special option given only to humans who meet certain conditions ... but to reincarnate in another world with memory."

"Keep your memory?"

"Yes, I'll have to start over with the baby ... but your memory remains."

"…So that's it"

Do you mean to be a baby with memories?

Uh ... I'm 25 years old now ... I mean I'm in a baby with a mental age of 25 ...?

It feels a little uncomfortable.

"That's true. A strangely clever baby can be scared by others."


it was.

You can read your thoughts, this angel.

"How is it? Yuji Sato. Are you willing to try again in a new world?"

"Redo ..."

It may be a good proposal.

If you have memories of your previous life, you can study hard from childhood so that you will not be addicted to working for a black company again.

If you enter a university where you can study hard, it may not be a dream to get a job at a good company with a good working environment ...

"Ah, Mr. Sato. That's a little different."


"If you choose to reincarnate with memory, you will be reincarnated in another world. That world is a little different from the one you were in."

"Well, specifically ...?"

I read my thoughts again, but I don't think I care anymore.

"There is a concept of magic in that world."

"Well, magic ...?"

"Yes. Magic, monsters, etc ... It's a world where such things normally exist. Is it easy to imagine a so-called fantasy world?"

"Ah ... I see ..."

In other words, it's a world like a fantasy game that I used to play.

Or is it a world like a different world manga that I was reading to escape from reality as a member of society?

"It's almost like that."

The angel who read the thought affirms my image.

"I see ... that's kind of interesting."

Reincarnated in a world with magic ...

It's a little exciting.

I mean, there really is such a world.

"How about? Would you like to live a second life? I would recommend it, because no one is allowed to reincarnate with memory."

"Hmm ... everyone ... that's right. Why am I the only one who can reincarnate while keeping my memory?"

I asked the angel girl, almost determined to be reincarnated in a fantasy world.

"There are conditions for reincarnation while preserving memory ..."


"It's about saving the lives of others twice while you're alive."

"Twice ... Hmm? Twice ...?"

I tilt my head to the words of the angel.

Once, I understand.

I died in the shadow of a boy who was about to be run over.

That was the first and last time that saved the lives of others.

However, the angel keeps his memory and the condition of reincarnation is to save the lives of others twice.

This would be a contradiction.

"No, it's not a contradiction. Yuji Sato. You're saving the life of a girl before."


"Do you remember the name Airi Aizawa?"

"Yes, I remember."

Airi Aizawa

My classmate in middle school, a girl who was being bullied in class.

She was shy, ignored by everyone, and always isolated.

"Aizawa. Let's be friends with me "

I couldn't see it, so I told Aizawa that I became friends and played every day after school.

After that, I went to a high school separate from Aizawa, and I haven't seen him since then.


I wonder if he's doing fine.

"Aizawa Airi was destined to commit suicide six months later if you didn't call out that day."


"You called out to Airi Aizawa, who was being bullied, and saved her. That's why Yuji Sato. You've saved the lives of others twice in your life."

"…It's was so"


Aizawa, I was thinking more than I expected.

"Did you understand this? Yuji Sato. You have the right to reincarnate and enjoy your second life. What do you do now?"

"Please try again. Please."

I bowed to the angel.

He was abused in a harsh working environment and lost sight of the meaning of life.

However, listening to the story of the angel, I was motivated to start over.

Above all, it's exciting to see a world with magic.

"It's a rule"

When I raised my face, the angel was smiling.

"Then Yuji Sato. I will reincarnate you into a fantasy world of swords and magic. Keeping your memory."

"Yes, please"

"... and one last thing"


"I personally like you"


A beautiful girl told me that, and I was a little nervous.

Knowing my inner feelings, the angel girl laughed mischievously.

"So I gave it a little service."

"Well, service ...?"

"I'm looking forward to it after I reincarnated. Come on."

"Oh !?"

My body lifted up softly.

And it emerged more and more along the path of light that rose upwards

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